Saturday, September 13, 2008

Deer Season Preparation ( Part 9 ).

You've secured a place to hunt, done your scouting, hung your stands, checked your equipment and opening day has finally got here. You sit ever so quietly in the stand as the morning sunlight peeks over the horizon, breaking the dawn of a new day. With only one thing on your mind this beautiful morning, you begin to wonder if all your hard work will pay off then suddenly a doe appears from out of nowhere and is followed by a nice buck. The pair come ever so slowly down the trail through the woods directly under your stand. You hesitate until just the right shoot presents itself then all hell breaks loose and you quickly realize you've just shot you first deer of the season. After waiting 15 - 30 minutes you climb down from your stand and begin tracking your deer. A speck of blood here a puddle there then finally you spot the deer piled up in a brush pile not more then fifty yards from where you shoot it. Now you sit down relax and enjoy the moment, relive the thrill of the days hunt, realize all your hard work was worth it and then your ready to finish your days hunt and head for home with your prize or are you?. Many of us don't think anything about the fact that your supposed to tag the animal immediately after finding it. Tagging the animal is an essential way of saying this animal is mine, I shot it, I tracked it down and now I'm claiming it as my animal. This is the only way you can actually say the animal is truly yours when you get to the checking station and acquire the permanent kill tag identifying the animal as your kill. Be sure to fill the kill tag out correctly in the field when tagging your animal as this is usually what the checking station goes by to fill out the permanent kill tag and your next hunting tag for another animal. If the kill tag is incorrect the next animal you check in could get you in trouble proving it is your animal. It only takes a moment to check your tag to be sure it is correct and can be corrected quickly before you leave and remember to that the permanent tag is also supposed to accompany the carcass until processing is complete. Following all the game laws is part of an essential way of hunting and provides us all with a safe and successful hunt. These game laws are usually published in a brochure by the wildlife resource agency of your state and can be found in any hunting store or by contacting the wildlife resource agency in your state for a copy. It only takes a few moments to read over these laws and could save you alot of heartache or even your license or more. Please be sure to check the game laws in your hunting area and have a safe, enjoyable and prosperous year.

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